"dum spiro, spero."

"dum spiro, spero."
while i breathe, i hope.

Friday, 21 October 2011

W.B.Yeats, one of the most important literary exhibitions yet staged internationally.

  • yes, yes we saw this, W.B. Yeats exhibition and his important contribution to Irish, and international literature. in the national library of Ireland. We saw cases of his original manuscripts. Yeats, was one of the few men who managed to earn a living by his pen. It was cool to see, that a man with little education and horrible hand writing, had the mind to write beautiful literature, it's really an inspiring exhibition
  • in the same place we saw these really old books, and diary's from people. the old books were sensitive to light and had to actually be covered.

  • last we went to the national museum of Ireland, which was all the horrible bog bodies.. and all of the old gold. And there was this ancient book archaeologists found, they had to recover the entire book which was buried in the ground, i cannot image ever being patient enough for that.

  • Then, the play, at the Abby theatre, was surprisingly intriguing, the actors were fantastic, apart from my own self not being able to completely understand the old Irish accents. The set was really cool i thought, they grasped the 1920's vibe super good. i didn't actually like the play whilst reading it, i didn't understand it really so the play definatly helped with that. 

  • overall it was a super fun day, and we thanked all our English teachers for organizing :-)

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