"dum spiro, spero."

"dum spiro, spero."
while i breathe, i hope.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

awfully gruesome pictures of decomposing dolls..

there is something utterly wrong with the world.. we clearly should have won the fun walk.. clearly.
no actually i don't even know i wasn't in.. lol

so yeah i just realised our geography project was a bit of a fail we kind of didn't do the right countries and different continents and stuff so yeah.. gotta re-do ALOT of stuff :-(
like okay we were going to go to mexico and to this island that is cursed, and all the trees on the island are covered in old broken dolls. A man who lived there by himself decorated them himself as a shrine for this little girl who drowned in a canal nearby, the dude eventually drowned in the same canal.. yeah spooky stuff.. well i was getting overly-excited to present to the class awfully gruesome pictures of decomposing dolls.. but now.. i cannot. :'-(


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